Sunday, February 21, 2010

Yay! First Knitting Olympics Event Completed!


Yesterday I set aside the day to work on my Knitting Olympics events. Little did I know that Event #1 - Finishing my Corset Pullover - would take the entire day.

But it was worth it. My Corset Pullover fits me and it looks fab! (This mannikin is not quite the same size of me, by the way).

It has also inspired me to try and make more amazing knitted garments. I wish I'd sewn it up sooner!

The one thing remaining to do is to make a decision about the arm straps. I've put them on for the time being, but I'm not sure whether I'll keep them. I also need two extra D-rings (one for each of the arm straps)... but obviously only if I decide to keep them on.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Olympic Update #1

(I am anticipating a string of boringly-titled posts upon this topic)

I'm not doing so well in events #1 (finishing) or #2 (sorting), but I have been getting quite a bit of #3 continuing done - I've now completed the body of Sadie. It's very tempting to see if I can try and get it finished soon, but I really need to give the ol' arms a rest (plus there are SO MANY ends to weave in because I'm using a recycled cardigan for yarn that I anticipate the finishing on this will take an age). There's no point in having two knitted garments languishing in the need-finishing pile.

I've got this weekend to myself, along with some DVDs and iplayer programmes to watch (and the Olympics of course; I've got the women's curling on at the moment), so I've blocked it off as being for the knitting Olympics - hopefully I'll get the corset pullover finished, and make a good start into sorting out the blog.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Knitting Olympics 2010

I've registered for three events:

  • Finishing - sew up my corset pullover;
  • Sorting - get my knitting blog up to date;
  • Continuing - get as much of my WIPs done as is humanly possible when one is a human with RSI.

From having a quick scan down the front page of my blog I see it was almost exactly a year ago that I blogged about the fact that all the pieces of the Corset Pullover were finished - eek! I think I've been too scared to sew it up in case it doesn't fit or looks crap, but it's going to get done by the end of February 2010 now!

I also need to prune the blog, and get content transferred over to Ravelry. I briefly considered an entirely new start, but decided to continue with this blog - it just needs a lot of sorting. I've finally got a digital camera, so I'm hoping to retake a lot of photos for my FOs as well.

And currently on the needles is Sadie from Rowan #40 which I started last February, and (still!) the Secret of the Stole first pattern, Guinevere started in 2007 - although I'm now more than halfway through.

I've got a lot of ideas for what I want to make next, but I really do need to get these finished before I start anything else.
