Thursday, October 06, 2005

Sonnet Scarf

Right then. I have been internet-less for quite a while. Still am, in fact. I'm actually using a library computer to write this.

I've been carrying on with Tempting while travelling - got maybe 9 inches of the body done now, so it's really coming along.

I've also used up the last of my wool left over from Sonnet and made a scarf. I had just under 1 ball left of the Wendy Pampas, and this time used closer to the correct needle size (12mm) by using my Denise #15 - 10mm. I started off with a 4x4 box stitch, three boxes across. Sadly I ran out of wool too soon, so I unravelled the whole thing and reknitted it. This time I used a 2x2 box stitch, still three boxes across. I really liked the look of the 4x4, but never mind - that'll have to be another project.

Anyway, I had enough with the 2x2. I also made a hole about 2/3 way up, to make a keyhole scarf. One shaft around the hole was the main ball, for the other shaft I used the long offcuts I had after weaving in the ends.

It works well, it matches Sonnet (and when I come to wear that it will keep my neck nice and warm) and here's an arty-farty picture of it:

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