Thursday, December 29, 2005

Merry Yule!

Slightly belated, I do admit. Still not knitting, but hopefully I can start again soon, though I have been very slack on my exercises as of late :-/ Naughty bee...

Anyway, here's a picture to share of the presents which I made for my siblings - Jack Skellington cushions! No knitting involved - I blanket stitched the faces on (lightly glueing them first to keep them in place), then overlocked the front and back together, leaving a small gap to stuff, before overlocking that up. I took the faces from a bag Friday gave me, and scaled them up to the right size for the cushions.

The thing that took the longest time was actually cutting up all the fabric scraps for the stuffing! I decided that small 1 inch squares stuffed best, and so spent hours cutting the scraps down to size. I think it was worth it though! Plus I got to use up a whole bag of fabric scraps.

I gave the left one to Tuesday, the right one to Friday and the bottom one to Sunday. They were fun to make and well-received! :)

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