Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Squeeeeee Squeeeeeee Squeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

Look what I just bought:

On Monday I walked into town. On my way back I walked past 'The Edinburgh Woollen Mill', which - despite its name - doesn't sell wool at all, but rather old lady clothes (presumably made out of wool). And in the window was a spinning wheel... A spinning wheel with 'Props sale: £50' on it!!! £50 for a spinning wheel?! Obviously I must buy it! I've always wanted a spinning wheel, and even looked into drop spinning with a spindle a couple of years back.

But alas, the shop had just closed :( The lights were on and there were staff inside, but the doors wouldn't open. I was sad :(

However, on the walk home I convinced myself that I don't need another excuse to further my RSI, and it was probably just a prop and didn't work, and it was probably a miniature, and £50 is a lot, etc etc etc. Besides, if it were fate for me to buy it, the shop would've been open, right?

Then we get to today when I cycle to town for my chiropractic appointment. On the way back I decided to see if it was still there, expecting it to have gone since it was nearly 2 days ago I last saw it.

Again, fate appeared to intervene: I totally missed the shop and had to double back. But when I did... the wheel was still there! I went in, asked if it worked: the staff said they thought it did, and it was bigger than I remembered. So I decided to just go for it, £50 is an amazing bargain!

I had a slightly hairy moment walking to the bus stop where one of the legs fell off, as did part of the treadle. However, I gathered it up, checked there were no other bits, and got it home. I've now put it back together and it appears to work fine! (Well, it spins: I have no idea how it actually works). I checked the underneath and it was made by 'Haldane' in Scotland. Haldanes' website doesn't have any of their own brand wheels on it, but I might contact them about it.

Anyway! I need to go back to town to pick up my poor old bike!

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