Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Extended hiatus

Today I had my third chiropractic session. I had my first session last Wednesday, and she banned me from knitting :( She said if I knit she'll put me in a splint so that I can't knit :-/ So no more Tempting, no more Blackberry, and no more illusion scarves :( Hopefully I will be able to knit again soon, but not for the foreseeable future, and not before Christmas. So no scarves for people for Christmas.


But today on my way home I popped into a craft shop and they had frogs! Not silver or blue ones, but they did have white ones, and I bought 5 (3 of one style and 2 of another). So it looks like I'll finally be able to finish - and wear! - Sonnet, the cardie that finished me off ;)

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