Thursday, October 18, 2007

Do knitters dream of, erm, sheep?

I've been having really weird dreams, just before I wake up, for the past couple of weeks. Most have been along similar lines, but this morning's was a bit bonkers, even by my standards:

I was knitting the first clue of the Secret of Chrysopolis stole (which BTW I haven't started) and was using a striping varigated yarn in various pastel + orange shades (you know me - this would be unlikely)... and instead of beads (which SoC does not call for anyway) I was using small pieces of breaded mozzarella cheese.

Yes, I was knitting cheese into my stole.

I was then worried that when I nibbled all the cheese off the stole (like those sweetie necklaces one can buy) I'd be left with gaps, and I'd have to find some sort of snap-style bead that I could fit into the strand instead.




Blogger Taueret said...

ha!! that's too funny. i never dream about knitting. mumble.

6:56 am  
Blogger Batty said...

Mozzarella makes everything better. Everything.

2:00 am  

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