Friday, June 08, 2007

It's my Birthday and I'll Spin if I Want to

Yesterday 'twas my birthday, and so I decided that I really should break out my beautiful new fibre and do some spinning, even if I haven't completed all the things I said I would before I started. I spun whilst watching a made for TV version of the Odyssey (1997) version, which was rather rubbish. I haven't finished it yet, and it was rather good fun, but completely destroyed the characterisation of a lot of the figures, as well as deviating from the tale a lot (must every telling of the Odyssey bar Homer's start with the Trojan War?!).

Since I haven't done any spinning [on the wheel] since I had all the pain in my ankles, I was very cautious. I put my old whorl back on, and my old drive band (I kept a new bobbin though). I oiled my wheel and rubbed beeswax on the drive band. I also made sure the wheel was on a rug, and I sat on the edge of my sofa, rather than the low footstool.

Lookee what I made:

I probably did overdo it. I spun for about 2-3 hours, until my friend said I should go to her house instead to get me away from the thing! I was glad I did, otherwise I'd have probably kept on going for another couple of hours.

I only treadled with my right leg. I figured that if I was going to hurt myself, there was no point in hurting both legs ;) And I did have twinges in my ankle yesterday. I haven't really noticed anything this morning, which is positive, but I haven't really done much. I'll take it slowly.

This is the Forest Sun batt - forest green and forest brown merino, with flashes of pale sunshine. I mean silk. It's beautiful. I tore a 2 oz batt roughly in half, and then tore one half into smaller strips. Each strip I predrafted out, drafting them together into one long roving. This is most of one half of the batt - I was forcibly removed from my wheel before I could finish it off.

This is [eventually] going to become 2-ply yarn. I'll do the other half batt on another of my new bobbins, and then ply them together onto my old one (which has a slightly larger capacity). Hopefully. Hopefully my feet won't fall off.

(Last night I realised that I have a spare sewing machine motor - I know, of all the things to have lying around. I realise that if my feet do fall off, I may well be able to hook up my flyer with the motor and spin electrically. But let's hope it doesn't come to that).

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Blogger Gryphon said...

Happy birthday!! I'm honoured that my batts were chosen for your b-day spinning, but I'd feel terrible if you hurt yourself doing it! That said, I can't wait to see the plied and knit results ;)

6:58 pm  
Blogger Batty said...

Happy Birthday! You can spin as much as you want to today, that's a fact.

11:54 pm  
Blogger TheKnittingBee said...

My theory is - if I'm going to hurt myself doing it, it might as well be for something worthwhile ;)

And I was fine the following day, so hopefully the Month of the Painful Ankles was an anomaly.

10:25 am  
Blogger Elly said...


Happy (belated) birthday!

Sorry I didn't come by earlier (like, a year ago), I promptly lost your blog address!! I assume you're elbows (? arms?) are still hurting with the spinning only content. Your spinning is pretty though, love that green.

Elly. x

9:50 pm  
Blogger Taueret said...

happy birthday! It would truly suck to have your feet fall off. i will be thinking sticky thoughts ;-). I am impressed by your recent spate of FOs, awesome.

12:44 am  
Blogger TheKnittingBee said...

Elly & Hope - thank you :) Arms are OK as long as I'm careful; I can knit too (plan to make a start on your shawl pattern tonight!).

7:23 pm  

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