Saturday, August 19, 2006


Argh! You know, I was beginning to think that maybe Athene was hinting to me that I need to work on my thesis - as Goddess of Intelligence that's certainly part of her remit, and it was beginning to feel like as Goddess of Weaving she was hiding my looms! I've bought two and so far neither have turned up - one was shipped out on 11th August as well. Deciding that enough was enough I've just turned the hallway upside down, and what do I find - a card from the postman saying my parcel was too big for the letterbox when he tried to deliver it on the 12th. Doh! I did look for a card, but this had snuck right into the corner behind an umbrella. Sigh. And it's too late now to get to the Sorting Office - I'll have to hope that it's still there on Monday.

This morning I've been doing some scrap weaving (gotta love those scraps) on my giant bead loom.

I have a vague idea that I'll make a load of woven-scrap panels and patchwork them together. Maybe. Of course, I had a lot more long lengths of scraps before I cut them all up the other day ;) but one of the joys of having an overlocker is that you tend to get lots of long scraps as you're trimming things down in dressmaking.



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